Project supported by IVACE and co-financed by the European Union within the ERDF Operational Programme of the Valencian Community 2021-2027
The project for the installation of electricity self-consumption using photovoltaic solar technology aims to contribute to the current process of energy and ecological transition, minimising the environmental impact, as well as the carbon footprint caused by the services provided by Grupo Madrigal 2015. A photovoltaic self-consumption of 15.0 kW nominal electric power and 16.2 KW peak power in the photovoltaic field is planned. The photovoltaic system will be located on the roof of an existing industrial building. Grupo Madrigal 2015 is currently in a process of growth and expansion, and these investments are necessary for the energy supply that this situation entails. The use of photovoltaic solar energy in this region with so much solar irradiation is more than necessary. The realised project will produce 24,867 kW-h per year, which corresponds to 7.6 times the average consumption of a Spanish household. In conclusion, for the solar photovoltaic roof for self-consumption, connected to the electricity grid, the total savings in pollutant emissions are summarised in the following table: